Introducing our Trust Network

Our unique Trust Network unites powerful crowd-sourced data across thousands of vendors and businesses to maximize protection for business payments.

For vendors looking to join, you only need to sign up once and then you can update and manage all your sensitive payment information for all your clients in one central location.

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Why Join?

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Know immediately if a threat actor is trying to impersonate you and we’ll send out an alert to your clients.

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Gain access and exposure to thousands of businesses that will see that you are a trusted partner they can work with.

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Manage your information and reduce the manual work of sending your payment and profile changes to each individual client.

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By joining the network you can easily roll into your clients’ payment workflow and shorten the time it takes to get paid.

Become a trusted member and ensure that your payment information is safe and secure.

Rest easy knowing your clients will always pay you the right amount on time.

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Talk to
our team

Get in touch today
and get your business
payments right.

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