NEW GUIDE! Leveraging AI to Combat Fraud: Safeguarding Finance Against Bad AI

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The Role Of Business Payment Security In Supply Chain Resilience

In today's interconnected business landscape, securing your organization means securing your entire supply chain.

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Breaking executive silos: bridging the gap between finance and security

Payments are prime cybercrime targets. Trustmi CEO Shai Gabay urges companies to unite finance and security teams to fight BEC and deepfake attacks.

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AI-Driven Executive Impersonations Emerge as Significant Threat to Business Payment Processes, According to New Trustmi Survey

Trustmi's new report shows that 22% of 516 finance professionals have faced AI-driven deepfake attacks, highlighting rising cyber threats in business payment security.

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Looking to stop payment fraud? Modernise your approach to bank validation

In our latest article, Shai Gabay discusses why traditional bank account validation falls short, exposing businesses to fraud risks. Enhancing validation with AI allows you to

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Why You Need A Holistic Approach To Business Payments Security

The complex B2B payment ecosystem increases risks of fraud and damage. A holistic approach ensures security and efficiency across systems. Here’s how to get started.

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Vendor Supply Chain: A Loophole You Can No Longer Afford to Ignore

Cybercriminals are launching supply chain attacks by leveraging security loopholes of third-party vendors to commit costly business payment fraud.

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Business payment fraud demands new approaches to account validation

The world has increasingly digitized, and the traditional account validation processes that prevented countless fraudulent scenarios are no longer sufficient.

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The Rising Tide Of B2B Payment Fraud And How To Fight It

To counteract the risk to your business, you need tools and protocols that will protect the entire B2B payment process.

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Shai Gabay of Trustmi On 5 Things You Need To Know To Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Cybersecurity

Asa part of our series about “5 Things You Need To Know To Optimize Your Company’s Approach to Cybersecurity”, I had the pleasure of interviewing Shai Gabay.

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Trustmi launches SOX Compliance Solution

Trustmi's AI-powered solution empowers organisations to take a proactive, automated approach to compliance audits.

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Trustmi Launches Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance Solution for Business Payments

Powered by artificial intelligence, Trustmi's solution aims to simplify reporting and ensure compliance with the increasing regulatory requirements faced by organizations.

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Trustmi Launches Advanced SOX Compliance Solution

Trustmi, the leader in business payment security, today launched its Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Compliance solution for business payments.

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Five Resolutions For Shielding Your Business Against B2B Payment Fraud

By adopting these five resolutions, your company can significantly reduce the risk of falling prey to sophisticated B2B payment fraud schemes.

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