Trustmi Talks

Strengthening Bank Validation Methods to Combat Business Email Compromise

3 min

Business Email Compromise (BEC) has been one of the most insidious forms of attack for many years. Fraudsters are now leveraging advanced AI-driven techniques to take phishing to the next level. AI enables highly accurate phishing emails at scale, allowing attackers to exploit sensitive information and execute elaborate fraud schemes. Even before the introduction of these new AI-driven attacks, the scope and impact of BEC was staggering, with significant financial repercussions.  

Understanding Business Email Compromise

BEC attacks often target businesses that rely on wire transfers. A typical BEC attack begins with a cybercriminal hacking into a company’s email accounts. Once access is gained, the attacker sends fraudulent emails that appear legitimate, often impersonating high-ranking officials or trusted vendors. These emails are meticulously crafted using social engineering techniques, making them nearly indistinguishable from genuine communications.

BEC statistics are alarming. The FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center reported that BEC caused $50 billion in losses between 2013 and 2022. To gain more timely insight, we recently issued The State of Business Payment Security in the U.S. report, which conveys the results of a survey of 516 finance professionals, including CFOs, treasurers, and accounts payable professionals, about the state of their business payment security processes. Among this group, 42% of respondents reported payment fraud caused by BEC. These attacks are incredibly challenging to identify, compounded by cybercriminals' increasing use of AI, which enhances the sophistication and effectiveness of their schemes.

Adopting Advanced Verification Methods

To combat the pervasive threat of BEC and wire fraud, businesses must adopt more sophisticated authentication measures for critical transactions. Traditional bank account validation methods, such as Call Bank procedures, fail to verify the true identity of the account holders. Fraudsters easily exploit these methods, posing as legitimate vendors to divert funds intended for the rightful recipient.  

Email security solutions also fall short of verifying a bank account’s legitimacy. They typically are not integrated with the banking system and, therefore, cannot confirm account details and ownership or detect advanced fraud schemes. They also cannot handle real-time verification of a bank account’s status, leaving plenty of room for fraudulent activity.  

More advanced solutions that merge current capabilities like penny-drop verification with innovative AI-driven solutions are necessary. Such advanced solutions can:  

  • Analyze transactional data in real time to detect anomalies and flag suspicious activities before funds are transferred.
  • Evaluate user behavior patterns to identify anomalies indicative of fraudulent activity.
  • Utilize historical data to identify patterns and automate actions, reducing reliance on manual intervention.
  • Identify fake vendor invoices and scrutinize email communications to thwart BEC attempts.

Relying solely on traditional bank account validation is insufficient for safeguarding vendor payments. Businesses require agile and evolving payment security solutions, like Trustmi, to ensure funds reach their intended recipients securely and efficiently.

The Future of BEC Prevention

The emergence of BEC poses a major risk to global enterprises. To combat this threat, organizations should implement advanced authentication measures and utilize AI-powered tools to detect and defend against fraudulent activities. The task extends beyond BEC detection to encompass a broad spectrum of cybersecurity challenges. AI enables proactive identification of suspicious behavior across different sectors, effectively combating the constant onslaught of cyber threats.

To learn more about Trustmi’s AI-powered business payment platform, book a demo with us today.