In 2024, cyberattacks surged by 75% from 2023, averaging 1,876 weekly incidents per organization, with financial damages hitting record highs. Attackers evolved rapidly, using tactics like business email compromise, API phishing, and deepfakes—targeting financial services every five minutes. To counter these threats, businesses must adopt AI-driven defenses, real-time fraud detection, and innovative tools to stay ahead.
Find out why manual work can cause errors and fraud on your business payment process.
Our savings calculator can help businesses assess what they stand to gain by protecting their B2B payments.
Learn actionable strategies and techniques to simplify and enhance the process of onboarding your vendors.
When it comes to B2B payment security tech, organizations need to know when to build and when to buy.
Explore the advantages of secure payment software for enterprise businesses.
Protect your business from invoice fraud risks and safeguard your finances.
Find out why an end-to-end solution is the only way to provide 100% protection for your payments.
Learn how the business payment process works and where Trusti's Payment Flows module fits in.
When it comes to B2B payments, AI can be a powerful ally to secure and enhance the process.
Learn how an end-to-end solution like Trustmi can help organizations avoid losses from a deepfake attack.