In 2024, cyberattacks surged by 75% from 2023, averaging 1,876 weekly incidents per organization, with financial damages hitting record highs. Attackers evolved rapidly, using tactics like business email compromise, API phishing, and deepfakes—targeting financial services every five minutes. To counter these threats, businesses must adopt AI-driven defenses, real-time fraud detection, and innovative tools to stay ahead.
This post in our series Top Payment Cycle Attacks turns the spotlight onto social engineering.
Here we explore specific features of an internal collusion attack on the business payment cycle.
Supply chain business email compromise is one of the top payment attacks. Find out what it is and how it happens.
In this final chapter of our Errors Everywhere series we examine a trio of errors wreaking havoc on B2B payments: late, lost and wrong payments.
Overpayments happen, but they shouldn't. Learn why they happen and how AI technology can mitigate future risks to prevent them.
Too many finance teams are getting duped by duplicate payments to vendors. Find out why double payments happen and how to avoid them.
Here's an overview of a few steps within the business payment cycle, and the attack surfaces each step introduces.
Discover how the business payment cycle works and how its siloed and manual nature introduces numerous gaps that cyberattackers can leverage.
This post examines how the new CPA exam will enable finance teams to further support the security strategy at companies.
This post examines how the changes to the CPA exam will transform and strengthen the relationship between finance and security teams.