In 2024, cyberattacks surged by 75% from 2023, averaging 1,876 weekly incidents per organization, with financial damages hitting record highs. Attackers evolved rapidly, using tactics like business email compromise, API phishing, and deepfakes—targeting financial services every five minutes. To counter these threats, businesses must adopt AI-driven defenses, real-time fraud detection, and innovative tools to stay ahead.
The vendor supply chain is particularly vulnerable to attack and the current approach to protecting the supply chain isn't working.
The 2023 Treasury Technology Analyst Report helps Treasury practitioners find the tech they need to succeed.
Many organizations say they trust bank account validation to protect their b2b payments. However, bank account validation isn't always as reliable as it may seem.
Many businesses haven’t yet realized the importance of protecting their business payment workflow from fraud and errors, and finance teams can’t afford to push off addressing this issue any longer.
This new study shows that B2B payments fraud is a growing concern for C-suite leaders this holiday season.